Ability to get a logger using a class object instead of a category name:
<cfset logger = logBox.getLogger(this)>
LogBox will then inspect the object and get its fully qualified name from it. This is great instead of passing the category name because when you refactor, the logging auto-adjusts itself.
Tracer log level removed.
Creation of a DummyAppender that will log null messages. Useful for testing
ColdBox integration updated for 3.0 apps:
- All 3.0 apps now have logBox integration
- New appender for ColdBox Apps: ColdboxTracerAppender which will interface with the ColdBox debugger so you have access to all the logging right in your debugger panel as tracers.
- ColdBox is now synchronized with logBox instances for creating custom coldbox related appenders and logging.
- New logbox DSL for autowiring. You can now autowire logbox, the root logger, and any logger in any coldbox enabled application via setter, constructor or cfproperty injection.
<!--- LogBox Instance --->
<cfproperty name="logBox" type="logbox">
<!--- Root Logger --->
<cfproperty name="logger" type="logbox:root">
<!--- Single Category name --->
<cfproperty name="logger" type="logbox:logger:MyCategory">
<!--- Dynamic Name --->
<cfproperty name="logger" type="logbox:logger:#getMetadata(this).name#">

Add Your Comment
Aug 05, 2009 11:07:27 UTC
by Robert Rawlins
I'll be honest, this is the first time I've really looked at anything to do with LogBox but looks really excellent, I know in the past I've gotten used to the excellent logging library's that come with Python and JAVA, cflog was always pretty insufficient. Louis, this might seem like a rude question so tell me if it is, but does LogBox work outside of the ColdBox framework? I have a non-frameworked application which currently has my own little home-brew logging model which I'd love to upgrade. Rob
Aug 05, 2009 11:47:01 UTC
by LUis Majano
Hi Rob, Yes! The whole idea behind the new 3.0 ColdBox Platform is modularity and identity. We have identified several core services that can be used standalone. So you can use LogBox with any non-framework application, or with any other framework out there.
Aug 05, 2009 11:51:44 UTC
by Robert Rawlins
Luis that sounds excellent! I'll be sure to download me a copy and have a play around! thank you. Rob